Processo de construção do novo logotipo da Fire Solution

Logotipo criado pela ZigZag Propaganda para a Fire Solution.

Identidade visual desenvolvida pela ZigZag Propaganda para a Fire Solution.

Desdobramento de peças criada pela ZigZag Propaganda para a Fire Solution.

Pasta desenvolvida pela ZigZag Propaganda para a Fire Solution.

Sinalização de Ambiente desenvolvida pela ZigZag Propaganda para a Fire Solution.

Site criado para a Fire Solution pela ZigZag Propaganda.

Padrão visual para redes sociais criado para a Fire Solution pela ZigZag Propaganda.

Aplicação do logotipo Fire Solution em versão negativa.

Aplicação do ícone da Fire Solution criado pela ZigZag Propaganda.
High level of fire protection.
Fire Solution, a company with more than 15 years of experience focused on high-risk fire-fighting systems, realized that it needed to reposition the brand and reformulate all its communication, in line with the new moment of growth in new markets.
After a deep immersion in the segment, gathering information and understanding the behavior of players and decision makers, ZigZag developed the brand planning that led to the new positioning, translated into a brand signature and a complete visual redesign.
To reinforce this change, we created a new logo - more modern, authentic and universal. In addition, we reformulated the entire visual identity of the company, from internal signage to helmets, uniforms, business cards and digital platforms, with a new website and deployment for social networks.
Looking for a high level of fire protection, call the Fire Solution.
Now, if you need high-level communication for your business, call ZigZag Propaganda.